Mark Bowman
In addition to assisting the UVM Center on Rural Addiction with data management, Mark has been the Data Manager at Vermont Mammography (VMR) since 2003. Mark wears many other hats for VMR, including managing their private computer network, maintaining legacy programming code, Teleform designer and administrator, and supervision of VMR staff responsible for collection of patient health, mammography exam, and pathology data. Prior to coming to UVM, Mark worked as an Information Systems Specialist at Neshobe School in rural Vermont where he supported over 100 staff and 500 students with professional development, technology integration into the curriculum, direct instruction to students, network management, computer repair, and software installation and support. For 20 years, he was co-owner and Vice President of Sales and Service for Western Fire and Safety Equipment Co., Inc. Mark’s most rewarding job was being a stay-at-home dad for four years.
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